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Sporting Events this week (Added 26Sept24)
Our Primary 6/7s had a fabulous opportunity this week to demonstrate their fabulous rugby skills at the Rugby Festival along with other schools from our community.  The children had been enjoying weekly rugby sessions with a representative from Biggar Rugby Club over the past few weeks and it showed!  We even had some winners - Ella and Pyper from Team England who came first and Jennifer and Leon from team Scotland who came 2nd!  

In addition, the Primary 4/5s had a wonderful time at the Football Festival at the grounds of Symington Tinto Football Club.  At the start of the day, pupils enjoyed participating in some football drills to develop their skills and to get to know their team mates from across different schools.  They then moved onto mini football games, where they were incredibly active!  All pupils worked well in their teams and demonstrated that they were ambitious to do well.

Well done to everyone who participated and were fabulous team mates!  See our Gallery page for some more photographs from these events. 

Stay & Play - Tuesday 24th September '24 3-4pm
We will be holding a Stay & Play event and would love to see any current pupils and their parent/s and any potential new families!  This is an excellent opportunity to get to know us and the other children and parents in a relaxed, informal environment with a tea/coffee and a biscuit! 

Welcome back to a new school term!  (Added 16Aug24)
It was so lovely this week to see everyone back in school looking so smart in their uniforms!   A special warm welcome to our new P1 learners who are starting with us; Cameron and Quinn and Mrs Melissa Ross, our Acting Principal Teacher. Mrs Sheridan continues her maternity leave until Spring 2025 with Mrs Gallant covering Primary 1-4 and Miss Logan has also joined the Libberton team 3 days a week.  Please see below for our latest Newsletter!  


End of Term Celebration
(Added 24June24)
What a wonderful End of Term Celebration we had on Friday!  Thank you to all the parents and families who joined with us to celebrate this year in Libberton Primary and say goodbye to the Primary 7s (and Mrs McGregor!).  Have a look on our Gallery page for some photographs of the event.  We wish everyone a safe and sunny Summer!  We will close at 1pm on Wednesday this week and re-open to pupils on Wednesday 14th August.  

Aberdour Beach Day!  (Added 17June24)
What a fabulous day we had at the beach on Thursday with Wiston Primary!  Even the cooler weather couldn't dampen our spirits as the children had an absolute ball paddling, building sandcastles, playing ball games, going to the park and enjoying a lovely ice cream!   Have a look on our Gallery page for more pictures of all the fun.  

World of Work Day! (Added 23May24)
Libberton and Wiston Primaries came together yesterday at Libberton to celebrate their World of Work day!  Thank you so much to all the fantastic volunteers from a great range of local companies, who gave up their afternoons to come and see us!  Our children learned about a range of different jobs and careers and had a fantastic time learning so much about the different opportunities available to them.  They asked a lot of great questions!   Please have a look on our Gallery page for some photographs of the day. 

Outdoor Learning (Added 14May24)
Mrs Forde and the teaching staff have been compiling photographs of the different curricular areas covered within our Outdoor Learning on the Padlets below.  These will be added to throughout the term. 

Primary 1-4:
Primary 5-7:

Welcome Summer!  (Added 09May24)
Here we are at the summer term!  Let's hope for plenty of sunshine to see us through to the end of this very busy time coming up!  Please remember to dress your child appropriately for the weather (including sunscreen if necessary prior to coming to school) and keep an eye on the calendar for all the events planned.  As always, if you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact us!  

World Book Day (Added 18Mar24)
Ian and Mia from P7 wrote a fabulous report about what we did on World Book Day this year!  Check out our Gallery Page for some photographs. 
"On World Book Day we got HOT CHOCOLATE!  And an authors live Which was VERY FUN!  We had book inspired lunches ,such as Charlotte and Wilbur's chicken goujons, George's Marvellous creamy tomato pasta, Hobbits ham roll and for dessert we had a big cake called Zog’s chocolate tiffin which was VERY DELICIOUS.  After playtime we played book pass the parcel, book themed corners and we had a book hunt 😃 and we all had our blankets teddies and pillows which was very comfy because we did some reading altogether and we all enjoyed World Book Day!!!!!!!!"

NEC/PP/Fusion Primary 7s (Added Feb24)
Please see information for Primary 7 pupils transitioning to Biggar High School this year on ParentsPortal.  Any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.  

Stay n Play (Added 09Feb24)
We are holding our next Stay n Play event on Tuesday 27th February at the school from 3-4pm.  We would love to see any new potential parent/carers at this opportunity to meet the school as well as our parents and children.  Have a cup of coffee/tea, make some new friends and have a chat whilst the children play.  If you would like any additional information, please call us on 01899 308281! 

Two Gold Awards!  (Added 02Feb24)
We are delighted to share that not only have we achieved our Gold Reading Award but also our Gold School Sports Award!  Please click here to see a photograph!   As you are aware, we were recently awarded our Gold Reading Award and that our school now benefits from a reading-rich environment; encompassing cosy reading nooks and regular ERIC time during the school day for our pupils and a staff Reading Group with recommendations of books enjoyed.  Our Community Library is available to benefit the whole community and has been down to the tireless efforts of the Reading Group in the school!  In addition, the School Sports Award was recently presented to Libberton Primary!  Our pupils have been very enthusiastically attending several after-school and lunch time clubs with both parental and community partner involvement as well as attending several Biggar Learning Community events.   Our pupils have been sharing their wider achievements out with school too which has helped to highlight to other pupils what is available out there! 

New Primary 1 Enrolments for August 2024
For any potential Primary 1 pupils for next August, enrolments will open on the South Lanarkshire Website from 8th January 2024.  Any issues or concerns, as always, please do not hesitate to contact us.    

Stay & Play - Monday 15th January
We would like to invite current parents along with any perspective new parents to come to the school with their children for some fun and to meet some new friends on Monday 15th January from 3-4pm.  Tea/Coffee will be available for adults too.  

We would love your help in encouraging new families to come and see our school!  Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. 

Welcome back and a Happy New Year! (Added 090124)
Please see below our latest Sway Newsletter with important updates for your diary. 

For any potential Primary 1 pupils for next August, enrolments will open on the South Lanarkshire Website from 8th January 2024.  Any issues or concerns, as always, please do not hesitate to contact us

A very Merry Christmas to all the friends and families of Libberton Primary! (Added 21Dec23)
We have uploaded some photographs of our Christmas fun on the Gallery page!  Thank you to all who came to see our School Panto last night; the children worked so hard and we are incredibly proud of them!  A huge thank you to our Parent Council (especially Mrs Sarah Alcock for all her hard work) who raised over £1000 towards school funds!  Thank you to everyone who bought raffle tickets or donated prizes - we very much appreciate it! 

We wish you all a safe and very Merry Christmas and we will reopen to pupils on Monday 8th January. 

Reading Newsletter (Added 30Oct23)
Please see the Home page for the link to our latest Reading Newsletter!  There are some fantastic book reviews from pupils and Biggar Library!  

Welcome back! (Added 17Aug23)
A very warm welcome back to Libberton Primary and the new school year!  We are delighted to welcome Meg and Addi to the school as well as two new members of staff; Mrs Boyd and Mrs Barron.  The sun is shining and the children are getting settled back into school life; having fun whilst learning.  As always, if anyone has any issues or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.   Have a look on our Gallery Page for some photographs of our first day back.  

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