Libberton Primary School, Libberton Muir Road, Libberton, Biggar, ML12 6NB t. 01899 308281  f. 01899 309107 e.
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End of Term Celebration (Added 24June24)
What a wonderful End of Term Celebration we had on Friday!  Thank you to all the parents and families who joined with us to celebrate this year in Libberton Primary and say goodbye to the Primary 7s (and Mrs McGregor!).  Have a look on our Gallery page for some photographs of the event.  We wish everyone a safe and sunny Summer!  We will close at 1pm on Wednesday this week and re-open to pupils on Wednesday 14th August.  

Aberdour Beach Day!  (Added 17June24)
What a fabulous day we had at the beach on Thursday with Wiston Primary!  Even the cooler weather couldn't dampen our spirits as the children had an absolute ball paddling, building sandcastles, playing ball games, going to the park and enjoying a lovely ice cream!   Have a look on our Gallery page for more pictures of all the fun.  

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